Thursday 18 November 2010

Kyoto twice over!

Worried the second time, my expectations of Kyoto were slightly too high. Being back for a week, I was definitely far from disappointed. I’ve had my fair share of days to myself already, more than happy to spend them exploring and pondering around familiar territory.

It has never been an issue here compared to being back in France. I’m writing already, only being a week here. Where in France I couldn’t even muster up any type of chat, can you tell?

Only thing, it is already costing me, and I am also getting a little carried away. I would like to call it, making the most of it…

I purchased a couple more travel books specialised for Kyoto and I soon discover a generalised LP of Japan was very restricting. Especially now I realise the majority of the times I became hopelessly lost wasn’t altogether my fault.

This here is a drawing of the Great Sanjo Bridge by Kyoto Hiroshige (1797-1858)

My favourite place where I spend most my time. It is the crossing from some of the most beautiful sites in Kyoto and on the other side where the cash is spent. Especially where there is conveniently a Starbucks looking over the river. So here I am typing this, drinking my new obsession a Christmas Starbucks gingerbread latte. The addiction first started last year, and on return I find again with delight. For those of you who know my dislike for Starbucks, western stylie. Again Japan out do themselves with the attitude that they will except the outsiders, but with very much their stamp on it. The same goes to McDonalds here, damn it.

I came across a little gem the other day, if it wasn’t for my new books. The Murin’an Palace with its extremely small but breathtaking garden. Especially at this time of year with the autumn leaves, giving everything all that much more character. Here the meeting took place where the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) was planned. I’m sure that was interesting for you.

I sat cross-legged for a while, looking out towards the garden. Drinking my green tea… awkwardly trying to remember the ritual of receiving it from the lady cherringly serving me, she didn’t mind me trying at least. I started to get pins and needles so I carried on, of course getting sidetracked into the little quirky boutique shops hidden away. Knowing the path exactly back to my spot with the gingerbread latte.

Having a naughty ciggie on the bank, there was this beautiful baby white crane, fishing at the water duct. Not having any luck whatsoever, then comes swooping along another one, grey and twice its size. Literally telling it to piss off! It deterred the little fella briefly, but only from the initial shock. Then he came straight back, with some real attitude! Even though in the end none of them were having any luck.

I then saw the same young hippy guy in his usual spot on the bridge… selling his funky jewellery. I met him last year and we had qiute a long chat but I think he was just being polite this time, pretending he remembered me. But I sat with him for abit anyway, looking at his stuff. I bought from him a bracelet last year and only last week did it break off, so I brought another one. Didn’t get a discount though.

Oh the other night, I put myself in a hilarious situation, typical. Over the past years, I have to say. You have to train yourself up to be able to go out for the evening… alone, without feeling ridiculously self-conscious about it.

Well Saturday night, I may have hit the nail on the head. Don’t get me wrong, staring into space sitting at the bar for ages will never cease to make you feel comfortable about it.

So I’m always prepared to make myself look busy. Best way.

So on Saturday night, a successful days shopping. Spending pretty much all the money I had on me, kid’s Christmas presents. Knowing not to go as all out as I did last year. They are ticked!

I commence onto the Irish bar. One pint… not much happening, I am outie. But yet for some reason, just cannot seem to leave it alone and search for the next bar. RUB A DUB

Underground bar, tiny but very cool and grunge. The barman with his awesome Jamaican accent, he later tells me he has never left to the west before. But yet he still manages to master the look of this bar as a very cool Caribbean haven. I stay for a beer, only being one other girl at the bar, in the whole bar infact! We start chatting. 2 hours later we still are, very limited vocab but we still managed to chat about the most ridiculous things!

A New Zealand ‘rugby’ team rock up later… and a gang of Sri Lankans. I miss my last train home… having to crash at this guy's place from New York who owns his own record label, really random. I then rock up at 8.30am the next morning ready for work!

I have more events lined up, so hoping more random stories.

Oh and I uploaded some photos in my last blogs, trying to make it look less boring. ;)

This is my version of Sanjo Bridge